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Research Paper & Presentation |
Evaluation of performance of new technologies:
A high-rate unconventional simplified plant at
Trimbakeshar |
The main criterion to qualify as an appropriate technology is that the end product,
plants should be cheap enough for mass application. Secondly their operation and
maintenance should be simple so that the plants could be managed within the rural
infrastructure. The third criterion is of course the output, treated water quality should not
be sacrificed to achieve said criteria, but the standards for the same should be realistic.
Many alternative technologies are emerging on the world scenario to quality for the
above criteria. To name a few like non-mechanical flocculation systems, shallow depth
sedimentation, multi-media filters, declining rate filter control systems etc. Judicious
combinations of these unit processes and if required their amalgamation with conventional
simplified water treatment plants.
At Trimbakeshwar, Near Nasik, a high rate, unconventional plant was constructed by
the Maharashtra Water Supply and Sewerage Board in the year 1990-1991. This paper
basically deals with the evaluation of the performance of this during the monsoon of the
year 1991. |
2. |
General description and purpose of the scheme: |
Trimbakeshwar is a small picturesque town, located at about 30 kms from Nasik in
Maharashtra state. It is surrounded by the hills of Sanhyadries from three sides. The river
Godavari originates from these hills. It is a holy place for devotees of the Hindu religion.
During the later half of the year 1991, a Hindu religious festival �Kumbh-Mela� was
organized at this place. As this particular festival repeats only after twelve years, millions of
devotees from all over India took the opportunity to visit this place.
To cater to the need of this population and also to the population of the town of
drinking water, water supply scheme for this town was executed well before the onset of
this event.
The source of raw water is a Minor irrigation tank at village Amboli, located at about
10 kms from Trimbakeshwar. The designed capacity of the scheme is 2.4 million liters per
day (MLD). The raw water is pumped through the rising main up to the treatment plant,
which is located on the slopes of a hill. After purification the filtered water is stored in a
Ground Service reservoir (G.S.R.) of capacity 0.6 million liters.
The distribution to the town further is by gravity. |
3. |
The treatment plant: |
A high-rate, unconventional simplified water treatment plant is provided to supply
purified water to the town.
Various units of the plant are as follows: |
(a) Receiving chamber or stilling chamber
(b) Mixing cum measuring weir
(c) Mixing channel
(d) Gravel bed flocculation tanks
(e) Tube settling tanks
(f) Dual media filter beds
(g) Filter control room
(h) Chemical house
(i) Wash water tank
(j) Sludge disposal system |
4. |
Brief description of the units: |
a] |
Stilling chamber : |
Simplified W.T.P. at Trimbakeshwar, cap. 2.4 MLD.
(Note: Details of filter control room are not seen in the section) |
Legend: |
1. Raw water inlet
2. Stilling chamber
3. Alum solution feeder pipe
4. Mixing channel
5. Inlet channel
6. Gravel bed flocculator
7. Tube settling tanks
8. Settled water collection channel
9. Filter inlet channel
10. Duel media filter bed
11. Chemical house (first floor)
12. Alum solution tank |
13. Walkway
14. Staircase
15. Porch
16. Washing arrangement for
Gravel bed
17. Sludge drain chamber
18. Floc collector pipes
19. Floc distributor pipes
20. Collection troughs
21. Inlet to filter pipe
22. Overflow pipe
23. Cross troughs |
Legend: |
1. Stilling chamber
2. Gravel bed flocculator
3. Tube settling tank
4. Duel media filter bed
5. Control room building |
6. Pure water sump
7. Filter control room
8. Chemical house
9. Wash water tank |
Simplified W.T.P. at Trimbkeshwar, Cap. 2.4 M.L.D.
Section-AA |
Legend: |
1. Inlet channel
2. Inlet openings
3. Gravel bed flocculator
4. Tube settling tank
5. Collection channel
6. Corbel of M.S. Grill
7. M.S. Grill |
8. Floc collector pipe
9. Hopper pit
10. Floc distributeor pipe
11. Tube modules
12. Collection troughs
13. Corbel |
Fig. 4 Perspective view of the simplified W.T.P. at Trimbakeshwar
Capacity 2.4 M.L.D. |
Legend: |
1. Porch
2. Filter Control Room
3. Staircase Room |
4. Chemical House
5. Washwater Tank
6. Hydraulic Units |
Function: This is the first unit of the plant. It receives raw water from the rising main. The
turbulence created at the inlet of pipe is dampened in the chamber. Thus non-turbulent flow
is created on the upstream side of the measuring weir to facilitate measurement of flow
over weir. Heavy particles like sand are also trapped in the chamber. |
No. of units : |
One |
Size: |
0.8m x 1.5m x 3.5m water depth (w.d) |
Design features: |
Detention time – 2.5 min. |
Design features: |
Upwards |
b] |
Mixing cum measuring weir : |
Function: To measure the raw water flow. To create turbulence on the downstream side
for instantaneous mixing of raw water and alum dose. |
No. of units : |
One |
Size: |
Length – 0.8m, Height above mixing channel – 0.5m |
Type of weir : |
Sharp crested |
c] |
Mixing channel : |
Function: To provide further uniform mixing of alum dose for thorough coagulation of
water. |
No. of units : |
One |
Size: |
Length – above 0.8m, Width- 0.8m, Depth of water-0.2m. |
Design features: |
Velocity – 0.6m/sec, Detention time- 30 sec. |
Mixing device: |
100 mm dia. A.C. pipes of 250mm ht. embedded in staggered fashion in the
bottom slab. |
d] |
Gravel bed flocculator : |
Function:To provide multiple recontacts to suspended solids to agglomerate into
settleable flocs, while the coagulated water passes through the voids of gravel. |
No. of units : |
Two in parallel. |
Size: |
2.5m x 3.4m x 3.0m w.d. over hopper, each. |
Detention time: |
30 min. |
Volumetric loading: |
2000 lph/cum |
Surface loading: |
6000 lph/sqm |
Size of gravel: |
30mm to 70mm (top to bottom) |
Depth of gravel: |
2.2m |
Direction of flow: |
Downwards |
e] |
Tube settling tanks : |
Function:Solid-liquid separation. Effective collection of settled water and disposal of
sludge. |
No. of units : |
Two in parallel. |
Size: |
3.4m x 3.4m x 3.0m w.d. above hopper, each. |
Surface loading: |
4500 lph/sqm |
Detention time: |
40 min. |
Size of tube: |
50mm x 50mm |
Length: |
600mm |
Materia: |
Rigid PVC |
Angle of inclination: |
60 degrees |
Module height: |
500mm |
Floc distribution pipes: |
200mm dia RPVC, 2 No per unit |
Settled water collectors: |
F.R.P. trough 150mm x 200mm, each 4 Nos. per unit. |
Direction of flow: |
Upwards. |
f] |
Dual media filter beds : |
Function:This is a coarse to fine filter bed (from top to bottom), provided to produce
filtered water of turbidity less than 2 ppm. |
No. of units : |
Two |
Size: |
3.1m x 2.1m x 3.0m w.d. each |
Filtration rate: |
6600 lph/sqm |
Filter media: |
Supporting gravel 0.6m, |
Size: |
2mm to 60mm |
Quartzite sand: |
05.mm 0.4m, E.S. |
Crushed coconut shell: |
0.4m, Av. Size: 1 to 2mm |
Filter backwash:
Hard wash only, Rate: |
700 lpm/sqm |
Filter under drain: |
M.S. Manifold pipe and RPVC laterals. |
Filter control: |
“Controlled head”, variable declining rate. |
Washwater disposal: |
2 No. cross-troughs per unit. Central gullet located in between two
units. |
g] |
Filter control room: (Ground floor) : |
This room is constructed adjacent to the filter beds with a common wall. The two outlet
pipes from the filter units are connected to a common conduit, which conveys the filtered
water to the rate control chamber via a Master rate control valve. The filters work on the
principle of �Controlled head� variable decling rate control system. The master rate control
valve governs the total output going to the rate control chamber. In the rate control
chamber a measuring weir is provided to govern the output. The elevation of weir also
controls the maximum allowable headloss which is 2.0m. Arrangements for post
chlorination are also housed in this room. |
h] |
Chemical house: (First floor) : |
This room is located directly above the filter control room. Two No of alum tanks of
1500 litres capacity each are provided in this room. Outlet pipe from the constant head
dosing tank conveys the solution to the slum feeder pipe which is located on the
downstream side of the mixing weir. The feeder pipe is perforated at the bottom to
distribute alum solution uniformly across the breadth of the channel for instantaneous
mixing with raw water. |
i] |
Washwater tank : |
A washwater tank of 80,000 litres capacity is provided directly above the chemical
house. Thus the filter control room building is a two storied structure with control room
on ground floor, chemical house on first floor and washwater tank on the roof slab. The
washwater tank is provided with 8.5m head above the filter bottom. |
5. |
Salient features of the plant : |
a] |
The entire hydraulic process is non-mechanical. All the unit processes make effective
use of the hydrostatic pressure only. The external energy input is only in the form of
pumping head at the stilling chamber. The total headloss in the system is 3.75m. |
b] |
For filter control, mechanical equipments are not provided. The filters work on the
principle of variable declining rate control. The headloss is measured by simple
manometric arrangement. |
c] |
The entire plant is designed from the operator�s point of view. The operator has easy
access to all units. Stress is laid to provide his access paths in such a way that he has to
travel minimum distances with minimum changes in the elevation. |
d] |
The execution of the plant was completed in twelve months period. The cost of the
plant is Rs. 8.5 lakhs which is about 75% of the cost of a CONVENTIONAL PLANT OF THE
6. |
Evaluation of performance of the plant during monsoon:: |
a] |
For performance evaluation of the plant, the period of six months starting from June
11th upto November 30th is selected. Reservoir being a source, during this period there
was a gradual and uniform change in raw water turbidity from high to low. Therefore the
period from June to November is important from observation point of view. This can be
observed from the tabulated data. In the data only average trend in turbidities is
considered. |
b] |
The plant was operated and maintained by the Maharashtra water supply and
sewerage board up to the month of December 1991. Thereafter the plant was handed
over to the local Municipality. |
c] |
The staff at the plant during the observation period of six months consisted of one
plant operated daily anywhere from 8 to 24 hours depending upon the demand during
Kumbh-Mela. Further the unreliability of electric power supply caused stoppages due to
which the plant was many a times operated intermittently. The plant operating staff was
thus required to perform under taxing conditions. In this case telephone facility was
provided at the plant to co-ordinate with headworks and distribution. The following
performance analysis of the plant is examined in the light of the abovesaid factors. |
7. |
Observations on the performance of gravel bed flocculator and tube settling tank:
(Pretreatment unit) |
a] |
The performance of both the units is evaluated simultaneously as it is found out that
the settled water quality to a great extent is directly related to the performance of gravel
bed flocculator. |
b] |
From the tabulated data it can e ceen that from June 11th to July 31st (beginning of
monsoon), the raw water is having the highest turbidity of the season. With proper alum
dose, the settled water quality is found to be satisfactory. The plant was commissioned in
the month of April. Up to June it was receiving raw water of fairly low turbidity. The
voids in the gravel bed flocculator were comparatively clean during this period. |
c] |
From the tabulated data it can e ceen that from June 11th to July 31st (beginning of
monsoon), the raw water is having the highest turbidity of the season. With proper alum
dose, the settled water quality is found to be satisfactory. The plant was commissioned in
the month of April. Up to June it was receiving raw water of fairly low turbidity. The
voids in the gravel bed flocculator were comparatively clean during this period.
For benefit of the readers typical calculations for a single row data are worked out as
follows : |
Column 1. |
Period under consideration: June 11th to June 31th
No. of days: 20, twenty |
Column 1. |
Period under consideration: June 11th to June 31th
No. of days: 20, twenty |
Column 2. |
Total cumulative pumping: 184 hr.
Total quality of water supplied: 184 x 90 = 16560 cum |
Column 3. |
Period under consideration: June 11th to June 31th
No. of days: 20, twenty |
Column 3, 4, 5. |
Average turbidity |
: Raw-raw water
: Set-settled water
: Fil-filtered water |
Column 6. |
Actual requirement of alum: 881 Kg |
Column 7. |
Average dose of alum: (881 x 10x 100)/16560 = 53 ppm |
Column 8. |
Total quantity of washwater for filter: 300 cum
Required (60cum/wash/bed)
No. of beds=2 |
Column 9. |
Percentage of washwater (with re-: (300 x 100)/1650=1.8% spect to total water
filtered) |
Column 10. |
Column 8. |
Total quantity of washwater for filter: 300 cum
Required (60cum/wash/bed)
No. of beds=2 |
Column 11. |
No. of backwashes for gravel bed flocculator |
The cause of deterioration in the settled water turbidity was identified and the operator
was instructed to backwash the gravel bed periodically at a regular interval of 7 to 10
days. |
d] |
From Sept. 1st to Sept. 30th it can be seen that the raw water turbidity is moderate to
low (100 ppm and less). The settled water quality is improved and is well within the
limits. This is attributed to proper and regular cleaning of gravel bed flocculator. |
e] |
The performance of the gravel bed flocculator and tube settling tank is summarized
in the graph (fig. 5) showing raw water turbidity against removal efficiency of tube
settling unit. The curves A and B show that for raw water turbidity of 100 to 400 ppm
the removal efficiency is lower than the expected behavior of the curve. This is attributed
to the inadequate cleaning of gravel bed flocculator as explained in point No. 3. |
f] |
It was observed that the headloss development in the gravel bed flocculator was
minimal even when the bed was not washed over a period of month. But the effect of the
clogging of bed was directly reflected in the quality of settled water. |
g] |
It can be controlled from the above observations that the best performance from the
tube settling tank can be achieved when the gravel bed flocculator is clean and the voids
are free of silt. The turbidity removal efficiency of the tube settling tank was upto 85%
for raw water turbidity upto 100 ppm. The efficiency is more than 500 ppm upto 2000
ppm the removal efficiency is more or less constant and is between 98% to 99%. |
h] |
The alum dose during the abovesaid period was monitored from time to time on te
jar test equipment. The percentage of A1203 (alumina) in the alum was about 12%. The
strength of the alum solution was
Kept at 1 to 2%. The raw water pH from June to October varied from 7.4 to 7.6 The
filtered water pH was found to be 6.8 to 7.0. |
i] |
The draining of sludge from the hoppers of the tube settling tank was done once or
twice in twelve hours for raw water turbidity up to 500 ppm. The draining interval was
required to be reduced upto 4 hours for raw water turbidity from 500 to 2000 ppm.. |
j] |
The quantity of wash water provided for backwashing of one gravel bed flocculator
was 40 cum. The rate of backwashing was 500 to 600 lit/sqm/min. The total quantity of
wash water required during the period from June to November was 0.5% of te total
water treated through the plant. The frequency of gravel bed backwash is reduced
during the period of low turbidity for period onwards November. Only one or two
washes were recommended in a month during this period. Therefore the consumption of
washwater will significantly reduce if calculated over a period of a year. |
8. |
Observations on performance of dual media filter beds : |
a] |
The dual media filters were able to tackle settled water turbidity even upto 30 ppm
comfortably. During the operation, stress was laid to produce filtered water of turbidity less
than 1 ppm. The average length of filter run was observed from 42 hours to 102 hours
(Calculated for every 15 days for the period under consideration). This is as per expectation
as the designed rate of filtration is moderate (6600 lph/sqm) for a dual media bed. |
b] |
For backwashing of filters the operator was instructed to use either of the following
criteria which ever occurred earlier. |
1. |
Maximum development of headloss upto 1.8m. |
2. |
Breakthrough of filtered water turbidity above 1.0 ppm.
It was observed that breakthrough of turbidity occurred earlier than the maximum
development of headloss for majority of the time. This can be attributed to many factors but
the author is of the opinion that quartzite sand which was used as a fine media was used as
a fine media was little coarser than the recommended value. |
c] |
The two filter beds are located in a single bax with washwater disposal gutter at the
centre. The capacity of washwater tank is enough for washing of one bed only. During
backwashing the plant has to be stopped as the design of pipeline does permit independent
washing of one of the beds while other is in operation. (This is possible in small capacity
intermittently operated plants as the operational hours are limited from 8 to 16). Further in
case of two beds, when one of the beds is taken out of operation for washing, the other bed
faces difficulties in tackling 100% overloading.)
It was observed from the logbook that sometimes the operator has backwashed both the
beds simultaneously. As enough washwater was not available at the designed rate, this
resulted in inadequate cleaning. During the successive filter run there was rapid
development of headloss. This is attributed to insufficient training of the operator. This was
detected early and the washing of the beds was subsequently corrected. |
d] |
The need for effective backwashing of filtered beds was repeatedly stressed to the plant
operator. He was told to observe two basic things. |
(i) After backwashing of filters the initial headloss should register in-between 0.10 to
(ii) Periodically check should be kept on media expansion during the backwashing
operation with the help of simple expansion stick. The desired expansion of the media
should be 30 to 40%. |
e] |
Maximum development of headloss upto 1.8m.
Breakthrough of filtered water turbidity above 1.0 ppm.
It was observed that breakthrough of turbidity occurred earlier than the maximum development of headloss for majority of the time. This can be attributed to many factors but the author is of the opinion that quartzite sand which was used as a fine media was used as a fine media was little coarser than the recommended value. |
f] |
The bacteriological test was carried out once during the observation period for the
settled water and non-chlorinated filtered water. The reduction in coliform count was found
to be 98%. |
g] |
The filter beds were operated on the principle of controlled head variable declining rate
control system. This was achieved by washing the filter beds in staggered fashion so that the
state of clogging of both the beds was different. The output from both the beds was
controlled by a single master control valve. This resulted in rate of flow from each filter bed
proportionate to its state of clogging. From operation point of view this system was found to
be suitable as mechanical filter control gear was not required. |
9. |
Conclusion : |
a] |
When gravel bed flocculator is adopted preceding tube settling tank, the clogging of
gravel bed directly affects the settled water quality. The gravel bed floculator should be
backwashed periodically during the period of high turbidity atleast once in 7 to 10 days. |
b] |
The gravel bed flocculator should be adopted for low turbidity and low silt raw waters.
The upper limit of turbidity should not cross 3000 ppm over a long duration. |
c] |
The deteriorated settled water quality in the month of August (For raw water turbidity
of 400 to 70 ppm) may be tempted to be attributed to the colloidal suspension. But the jar
test and observations at other plants have confirmed the reasons discussed above in details. |
d] |
Overall the tube settling process was found to be extremely stable. The settled water
turbidity was consistently satisfactory inspite of some operational in-adequacies. |
e] |
The dual media filter beds consistently produced filtered water of very high quality. The
filters were able to tackle turturbidity shockloadings comfortably. The filter runs averaged
67.5 hrs over the period of six months. Declining rate control system was found to be simple
from operation point of view. |
f] |
Some basic training especially on the maintenance aspects was required to be imparted
to the operators. The plant operators had no previous experience of operating water
purification plants. With a little guidance and experience they were able to grasp the various
techniques easily. |
g] |
Under the given circumstances and environment, the performance of the plant was
found to be satisfactory. There is definitely some scope for refinement in the training of the
staff and maintenance of the plant. For mass application of the technology grade
examination for the operators or training programs on the basic aspects of treatment have
become most vital. |
h] |
In the absence of training and welfare of the operating staff of the local bodies
(especially in the rural area) it is possible that the end product of all this excerise i.e. potable
water quality may get affected. However inherently strong or appropriate may be a
technology, the plant operator is the single most crucial link for its successful
implementation. |
i] |
New development are taking place in this field basically from these type of plant scale
observations. Plastic flocculation media, floc modules have shown a great promise by
eliminating the inherent problem of clogging encountered in the gravel bed. Similarly in
urban environment mechanical flocculators have been provided with good results. Tube
settling system is the heart of such plants. It may be possible to improvise on the
flocculation and filtration aspect upto a certain extent in the near future, but tube settling
system is found to be the most efficient and robust mechanism. |
10. |
Acknowledgements : |
The authors would like to thank the Member Secretary of M.W.S.S>B. and the chief Engineer
(urban) for encouraging such type of studies. Thanks are also due to the Superintending
Engineer (Jalgaon), the Executive Engineer (Nasik and staff of ENE Devision and Sub-
Division as the detailed observations were possible with their kind co-operation. |
References: |
1. |
Simple methods in water purification: Dr. J.N. Kardile |
2. |
New concepts in water purification: Culp & Culp |
3. |
Surface water treatment for communities in Developing Countries: Shultz & Okun |
4. |
Design of water treatment plants: A.W.W.A. Publication |
5. |
C.P.I.I.E.E.O. Manual on water supply and Treatment (1991) |
6. |
Various papers published in the Journals of IWWA, AWWA. |
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